Cara May-Cole 1m 216 #disappear
The views of this article are the perspective of the author and may not be reflective of Confessions of the Professions.
How To Completely Remove Yourself From The Internet

We’re in a day and age where our day-to-daylives are ruled by our online activity. Whether we’re at work or having leisuretime, site-by-site, we’re constantly leaving an online footprint.
Since the birth of the internet, peopleacross the world have posted their personal data, opinionated statuses andembarrassing photos to a host of social media sites, forums and otherplatforms. It’s safe to say for many of us, our lives are an open book.
Unfortunately, being an open book can haveits consequences. We’ve all heard unfortunate stories of employers screeningcandidates for potential jobs, only to turn them down because of their socialmedia presence. Or all too commonly, hackers manage to retrieve and sell on ourpersonal information to the random people across the web. Comments that aremade on forum sites can all too easily be traced back as well.
But what if you could make that footprint disappear? Or at the very least your social media footprint. Perhaps you’d just like a more private life online, or have a job offer coming up that you don’t want to jeopardise, WD Storage have put together this guide on how to get your online footprint permanently offline.