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Victim of Workplace Discrimination
In accordance with Sexual Assault Awareness Month, which started in April 2001, and having personally observed sexual harassment in the workplace from a boss to a co-worker, it is extremely important that you know your rights in the workplace. If you see something, say something, and if you are personally going through it, you need to stop it immediately. Any type of harassment or discrimination in the workplace is illegal.
Are you a victim of sexual harassment or workplace discrimination? If you have ever felt singled out because of your gender, race, nationality, age, pregnancy, family status, sexual orientation, or background, you might be experiencing workplace discrimination. Workplace discrimination can lead to prevention of being hired, lower wages, unusual assignment of more or unfair work, or anything that seems unfair or unnecessary for the job. If any of these apply to you, than what your employer is doing may be illegal. Workplace discrimination can also mean sexual harassment.
If anyone, male or female, has ever made a sexual remark, comment, or advance towards you and you felt awkward or uncomfortable, you were probably experiencing sexual harassment, which is a form of sexual discrimination and can fall into the realm of workplace discrimination. Sexual harassment is defined as any unwanted sexual remarks, comments, or advances towards anyone. Sexual harassment can be done in public, at school, or in the workplace. Any form of sexual harassment is illegal in the United States and is subject to the laws within that state, which can result in financial damages, loss of job, or even jail time, if the sexual harassment leads to any type of sexual assault or unwanted touching.
Sexual harassment can be in the form of sexual comments, jokes, stories, derogatory comments about gender, whistling, cat calling, requests for sexual favors, sexting, sending sexually innuendo material through email, phone, or chat, sending sexually offensive images, asking for sexual favors or bribing for sex in return for monetary compensation, raises, or good reviews.
If you are experiencing workplace discrimination or sexual harassment by a coworker or a boss, you have the right to report it. Workplace discrimination and sexual harassment are illegal in every state and no professional workplace has any tolerance for any form of it. Ensure that the correct actions are taken, otherwise, the behavior will continue.
If there is a Human Resources Department within your company, that will be your first step in reporting the illegal activity. Do your best to gather evidence that you are experiencing discrimination or sexual harassment by keeping emails, text messages, chats, or anything else that will help you. Concrete hard evidence is the best evidence you can have to help your case. If your company does not have a Human Resources Department, or fails to abide by your requests, do not hesitate to report it to the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission), and seek out an attorney for advise.
This infographic contains information to determine whether you are a victim of workplace discrimination and sexual harassment.
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Workplace Discrimination: Are you a victim?
Know the Signs of Sexual Harassment
Sexual comments, stories, jokes
Derogatory comments about gender
Cat calling, whistling
Request for sexual favors
Inappropriate touching
Sending sexually graphic emails and images
Linking sexual favors to raises and reviews
Violating any part of the company’s sexual harassment policy
Wrongful Termination: Reasons You Can’t Be Fired
Race, Nationality, Gender, Pregnancy, Family Status, Age, Sexual Orientation (in some states), Being a whistleblower, Reporting sexual harassment, bullying Refusing to commit an illegal act
Been Victimized By Workplace Discrimination?
Take these Steps:
1. File a Complaint at Your Company
- Follow a complaint procedure
- May go through HR, supervisor
- Skip if harasser handles complaints
2. Gather Evidence
- Document incidents: dates, events, witnesses
- Keep relevant email, text communications
3. Contact an Employment Lawyer
- File lawsuit, seek settlement as appropriate
Provided by Advocacy Center for Employment Law