Audrey Willis 1m 222 #techforseniors
The views of this article are the perspective of the author and may not be reflective of Confessions of the Professions.
Why We Need Tech Designed for Seniors
It’s a running joke that your grandma can’t figure out Facebook, but the truth is that by not having these basic tech skills, older Americans are getting left behind. Tech just isn’t designed for seniors—even though the majority of them would like to use it. There are 47.7 million people over the age of 65 in the United States who may not even know the basics of how to use computers and cell phones.
Learning how to use social media and other tech tools has many benefits for seniors. 81% of older Americans who do use social media socialize daily—more than their peers who do not. Tech literacy can also help seniors maintain their independence and accomplish daily tasks. That’s why it’s so important that those in the tech industry start to cater to the needs of seniors. As we age, changes in vision, motor skills, and cognitive issues can make traditional tech a challenge for seniors. Besides making a difference in older Americans’ lives—a population that’s growing quickly—designers and manufacturers can unlock billions in profit by focusing on an older market.
Find out more about what seniors need from tech with this infographic from USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology.
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